The Refer A Friend Incentive offered to lot owners at Camaya Coast presents a rewarding opportunity to benefit from referrals and multiple lot investments. When you refer a friend to purchase a lot at Camaya Coast or when you choose to acquire two or more lots yourself, you become eligible for a generous 3% credit applied to your account balance. This credit is then reflected in your monthly amortizations, providing you with tangible savings and value for your referrals or multiple lot acquisitions. Through this incentive program, Camaya Coast encourages its valued lot owners to share the unique benefits of the community with their network, while also recognizing and appreciating their commitment to investing in the development.
Contact Infos:
Brian Beltran (Sales Director)
Registered Real Estate Salesperson DHSUD 26889
PRC Registered
Mobile # +63966.8014999 (Viber/ Whatsapp)
Mobile # +63915.9856480 (Viber / Whatsapp)
Email Ad:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Brian Beltran (Sales Director)
Registered Real Estate Salesperson DHSUD 26889
PRC Registered
Mobile # +63966.8014999 (Viber/ Whatsapp)
Mobile # +63915.9856480 (Viber / Whatsapp)
Email Ad:
[email protected]
[email protected]